~this is my world, with my friends inside~

~this is my world, with my friends inside~
dengan nama Allah yang maha pemurah lagi maha penyayang

Friday 31 August 2012


Assalamualaikum  W.B.T.
Dear 7th batch of ASPerians,

Here we go! Hari pendaftaran kemasukan ke semester pertama ke program-program bacelorUniversiti  Putra Malaysia.

Date      : 1st and 2nd September 2012.
Venue  :  Colleges around UPM.

TURN INTO NEW LEAF <-something I (and you) really have to do to excel in this bachelor programme. Because this bachelor programme you will be undergoing is very different from the foundation study you’d completed. You have to be dependent, make revision regularly blablabla. Don’t wait for the bus at 7.50 a.m. if your class will start at 8 otherwise you will miss the whole lecture in case of there is no bus at your college. (Exception for future engineers, jalan kaki saja. hehe) Don’t be so busy dating your girlfriend/boyfriend until you forgot your assignments. Okay, okay, okay? (Can you see that be single is so simple? Hehe)

And NO MORE excessive computer games, movies, music, sleeping and also

SUDOKU!<-my bestestfriendest during leisure time.heheh

I know It’s hard to transform our self drastically from super duper mega hyper lazy, useless Homo sapiens into a hardworking, teragiga productive one after this 4 months relaxing, berybery long-and sometimes torturing-holiday.

All you and me have to do is study and study and study and study. And some sports.  Just to eliminate unnecessary “parasites” accumulated in our body after the Eid Mubarak celebration!And some entertainment so that we’ll not ended as a zombie due to obsession towards books, notes, lecturers and study groups. And someA LOT OF good deeds to get A LOT OF rewards from Allah in order for us to be a good, pious servant to our Creator.

And don’t forget to start applying and upgrading our English knowledge in our daily life. Converse, write and read English materials. WHY? Because our future scholarship, job etc. interviews are to be conducted in English! So let’s enhance our English proficiency (now you know why).
Or we won’t become a first class graduate 4(or some people 5) years from now. (Although me myself not sure whether I can do it or not. Hopefully all of you can la)
Okay people, so don’t forget to STUDY, SPORT, SOLAT and SOME MUSIC. For Muslims, don’t ever forget to recite, comprehend and practice everything written thousands years ago in our Holy Quran. 

Semogakitasemuaselamatduniaakhirat<-tiba2 bahasamelayu.
Good luck. All the best.Best of luck.(Although all carry the same meaning)  Prove to the world that you are the champion among the winners. Shoot for the moon, if you fail, you’ll land among the stars (aim high so that you will work hard to achieve your dreams) Till we meet again. Take care! Peace be upon you J


  1. Assalamu'alaikum.. Bila baca ni tiba-tiba tersentap.. Walau sudah bergelar pelajar Semester 2 degree Electrical Engineering, kemalasan masih membelenggu diri. Heh. Excessive lagho. T.T

  2. waalaikummussalam. change change change. hehe. saya yg bru mendaftar semester 1 ini pun xtahu la sbnrnya boleh ke tidak nak istiqamah dlm merajinkan diri. gdluck ya kpd anda :)
